Grand Master Reiki 5 - 18, INDIVIDUAL ATTUNEMENTS - Shop at Reiki with Rebekah


The Reiki Grand Master Degrees are a later addition to the Traditional Usui system with new symbols and a series of attunements that have been chanelled by various Reiki Masters over a period of time. The symbols connect to spritiual concepts grounded in Japanese Philosophy and are combined with meditations, to enable the practitioner to access higher vibrtational levels of the universal life force energy and expand their concsoiusness.

Pre-requisite: You have been a Reiki Master/Teacher of a tradtional system for at least 6 months.

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All the Grand Master Degrees include PDF Manuals and Remote or Distant Attunements sent at a pre-arranged time and date.

Disclaimer: Please note that these items are non-refundable so please contact me if you have any questions before your purchase!