About Rebekah
My experience and training puts me a great position to empower you on your journey towards better health, personal growth, and success in reaching your goals.
I have trained to Master/Teacher level in traditional Reiki, or Usui Shiki Ryoho, and I am fully qualified to deliver online courses. Based in Nottinghamshire in the UK, my work as a Reiki practitioner and teacher developed from a long standing interest in health and fitness. My own training and self-development spans almost thirty years and has encompassed Taekwondo and kickboxing, yoga, Chi Gong, meditation and Reiki, with an ongoing interest in diet and nutrition.
Reiki was a natural outcome of my interest in health and fitness. Prevoiusly I have worked as a fitness instructor and trained in martial arts. At the same time, I began practicing Chi Gong for relaxation. Reiki seemed like the natural step forward for me. Learning and practicing Reiki led to working with the public as a reiki practiioner at clinics in Nottingham.
My background was originally in art, with a Degree in film and photography, and later I did a Masters Degree as a mature student at the University of Nottingham in Cultural Studies, which gave me a good grounding in critical thinking, and cultivated my interest in different world views and spiritual practices. Reiki is a very accessible spiritual path for people in the West because it is non-denominational and suitable for everyone, It is great tool for self-development that I would encourage you to learn!
I love reading cards and i am happy to be able to offer life coaching with Tarot online. My other interests include photography and film, and going for long walks in nature with my dog every morning.
Contact me if you want to book in with me or want any more information about either Distant Reiki Healing or Training, a Lightarian Course, or if you want Spritual guidance about any area of life then please don't hesitate to get in touch with me for a Card Reading.
I look forward to working with you!